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Lizzie King of Lizzie Loves Healthy on keeping energised as a busy mama

Posted on November 01, 2016 by Marloe London

No one has enough time anymore. And no mother has enough time ever, so food for us always seems to get shoved to the bottom of the list. Whether you have a tiny baby to feed all day, an energetic toddler to take to the park, or bigger children at school and a ton of things to do whilst there out – time is never your friend. However, it’s a huge mistake, that I learnt fast when I had my kids, to put yourself at the bottom of the list. If you’re out of energy, getting ill or just constantly reaching for the sugar hit, noone is happy. And the answer if that your nutrition could do with an upgrade, which is the best thing for your whole family.

A happy, nourished, well-fed mum, is the key to a happy family, and I started Lizzie Loves Healthy in order to make it achievable, delicious and rewarding to make the best food for the whole family.

There were lots of recipes that were “kid friendly” and plenty of healthy ideas for grown-ups but I never felt the gap was bridged, so I started making up my own recipes. That were easy to make, packed with nutrient dense goodies without the sugar and proper, delicious food that husbands, toddlers and you would devour. My blog took off in an amazing way, and I now teach cooking classes and send out recipes every week from www.lizzieloveshealthy.com Then Orion got hold of me and asked me to write a book.

My first book Lizzie Loves Healthy Family Food is being published by Orion in March next year.

Chocolate Pecan Brownie Balls

If you need an instant and delicious, energy hit for you, a toddler or an after school football go-er, you MUST try my chocolate pecan brownie balls:





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